Library Services and Resources for Students on placement

Whilst you are on your placement with Lincolnshire Community Health Services NHS Trust (LCHS), Lincolnshire Partnership Foundation Trust (LPFT) or United Lincolnshire Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust (ULTH) you are welcome to access the following NHS library resources and services. If you wish to find out more about our available services, then please watch our short introduction video.

NHS OpenAthens

You can self-register for a NHS OpenAthens account to enable you to access journal articles, eBooks and online resources for the duration of your placement. You will need to enter your placement organisation (either LCHS, LPFT or ULHT).

Please select 'Students - placement' as your job role. You will also need to enter your placement expiry date.

Library Sites

Whilst on placement you can access our libraries located at Lincoln County Hospital, Grantham & District Hospital, or Pilgrim Hospital. 24/7 access is available via a staff smartcard. To obtain a smartcard please speak to your placement supervisor or contact us for further information.

Study spaces and Trust computers are available at all our library sites. Access to Trust computers requires a Trust IT username and password. Please contact your placement supervisor to obtain an IT account for the Trust you are on placement at.

Free WiFi is also available at each hospital site via NHSWIFI.

Library Catalogue

You are welcome to complete a membership form to borrow books. Please make sure that you complete the sections of the form that relate to placement students.

You can search for books on our library catalogue. A short tutorial video is available on how to use our library catalogue.

Any books that you reserve will be sent to your preferred library for collection.. Please allow approximately 7 days for delivery of  reserved books

You can borrow up to 16 items at any one time. Most books are 6 week loans and are auto renewed 5 times as long as they are not reserved. Books are available for loan only during your placement dates. Please ensure you return all books before your placement ends. Failure to do so will result in the Library & Knowledge Services team contacting your University.

If you have any further placements with LCHS, LPFT or ULHT and you would like library access again you should inform a ULHT member of library staff who will update your account.

Current Awareness Bulletins

You can access our specialty current evidence bulletins that we publish on a regular basis. 

Literature Searching and Training

For all assignment assistance or support with literature searching or critical appraisal training, please contact your University library team in the first instance.

To explore our full range of NHS Library e-resources you can use during your placemen click on the button:

Further information about the key NHS library e-resources are below.

NHS Knowledge and Library Hub

The NHS Knowledge and Library Hub a single gateway which connects NHS staff and learners to a significant range of high-quality knowledge and evidence from open-access, freely available online content, to NHS nationally and locally purchased resources, including journal articles, eBooks, healthcare databases and BMJ Best Practice.

Here is an introductory video on how to access and use the NHS Knowledge and Library Hub. 

BMJ Best Practice

BMJ Best Practice gives you quick and accurate evidence-based patient care guidance to make decisions about diagnosis and treatment. To help boost your confidence and learning, you can also watch a range of procedural tutorial videos to help improve your clinical skills.

BMJ Best Practice can also be downloaded as a smartphone or tablet app

British National Formulary (BNF)

BNF provides key information on the selection, prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines for adults.

British National Formulary for Children (BNFC)

BNFC provides key information on the selection, prescribing, dispensing and administration of medicines for children.

Oxford University Press eBooks

Medical and nursing students can access the Oxford Handbooks and Oxford Textbooks with your NHS OpenAthens account.

The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry

The Maudsley Prescribing Guidelines in Psychiatry is the essential evidence-based handbook on the safe and effective prescribing of psychotropic agents.

NICE Guidance

These are evidence-based recommendations developed by independent committees, including professionals and lay members, and consulted on by stakeholders.

Royal Marsden Manual

The Royal Marsden Hospital Manual of Clinical and Cancer Nursing Procedures is the gold standard textbook for nursing care, providing access to the latest essential nursing skills and procedures.

The e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) platform delivers a wide variety of self-directed e-learning courses to support NHS staff and all students registered on healthcare courses. 

These courses will help you to develop your skills and knowledge to support patient care and decisions, research or quality improvment projects, or your learning, education and training needs.

You can access the e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) platform with your NHS Openathens account or by registering for a free e-Learning for Healthcare (e-LfH) platform account.

Health Library and Information Services Directory (HLISD)

If you have a future placement with another Trust then you can find your nearest NHS Library Service on HLISD.
This is a comprehensive directory of health libraries and information services across the United Kingdom.