Demonstrating our impact
Our Library and Information Specialists work collaboratively with clinical and non-clinical colleagues working at ULTH, LCHS and LPFT. The tangible organisational benefits of us engaging and supporting colleagues has been demonstrated to positively "affect direct patient care, quality [improvement], and save money" (Brettle, 2016)
Impact Case Studies
Peer reviewed impact case studies enable us to demonstrate and showcase the important and positive impacts we make to patient care and service development. These may include:
improving patient outcomes or safety
reducing unnecessary interventions or informing treatment options
underpinning education and learning
enabling and informing business or patient decision-making
shaping or developing strategic policies, clinical guidelines or clinical practice
improving organisational performance or productivity, including time or financial savings
facilitating research and innovation
These impact case studies were successfully peer-reviewed and accepted onto NHS England's national database of high impact Library and Knowledge Services case studies: